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Monday, October 21st


Text: Acts 5:17-42
Sunday Sermon Title: “Bumps Along The Road”

If bumps along the road of life are inevitable, then why doesn’t God just take them away?  Wouldn’t it be better for God to simply smooth them out or lead us around them?

There have been many times in my life when I have cried out to God to take away the pain and the struggle in my own life and that of people in our church family.  Yet I can also say with confidence that God has a beautiful way of using the struggle to produce results that far outweigh the cost of the pain. 

The Apostles were given clear marching orders to go and “tell people all about this new life.”  In their obedience they faced great persecution and struggle.  Yet God continued to show up and do great things in and through them. 

I encourage you this week to take a close look at the bumps you have faced in your life and the ones you are facing now.  Ask God to help you discern if they are the result of your own choices, the result of living in a broken and sinful world, or because you are walking in the path of Christ.  If they stem from your own choices, seek God’s forgiveness and ask for help to repent, to literally turn from the sin that is holding you captive.  If they are the result of the brokenness of the world, ask for grace to endure and the ability to see God’s hand in the midst of it.  If they come from your walking in obedience to God, ask God to help you persevere and triumph through it. 

This is pretty deep and introspective work, but I can promise you that God longs for you to have the kind of relationship with him that goes deep and touches us at the core of our being.  You will be blessed as you do!

For those who would like to read ahead, next week’s sermon text is Acts chapter 6.


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