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Monday, November 4, 2013

Monday, November 4, 2013

Text: Psalm 30, John 15:8-17
Sunday Sermon by Meg Knight entitled: “God sings in Rwanda”

On Sunday Meg Knight shared about her calling to serve the Lord in Rwanda.  It was a powerful testimony of God’s faithfulness in her life and how He took the tragedy of Bruce’s death and used it shape her in wonderful and unexpected ways.  If you missed it, please do take a moment to listen to it through the link on our website (www.ballstonpresby.org) later today when it gets posted.

Meg’s testimony did two things for me.  It reminded me of how much I miss Bruce.  Just this week I know of three people in their early to late 60’s who passed away.  One is a good friend and fellow pastor Rich Patterson, who preached many times in our pulpit over the years when I was away.  I think of how God carried Meg and our church through this difficult time and it gives me confidence that God will be faithful to his wife Sarah, his two boys and all of us who grieve his untimely passing.  

Meg’s testimony also reminded me of God’s incredible faithfulness.  God never leaves us and always has a purpose and plan for us that far exceeds our expectations and even our imagination (Ephesians 3:22).  In the thick of Meg’s battle with grief, I questioned how God would be faithful in this situation.  I even wondered about how our church would bounce back.  As Meg shared her testimony and calling to serve in Rwanda, I was absolutely overwhelmed by how God answered my questions and demonstrated his incredible faithfulness to her and to our church through her.

Psalm 30 is a testimony of King David and it echoes clearly in Meg’s life:

You turned my wailing into dancing;
    you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy,
that my heart may sing your praises and not be silent.
    Lord my God, I will praise you forever. (Psalm 30:11-12)

I encourage you to read Psalm 30 and ask yourself the following questions:

  1. How has God demonstrated his faithfulness in your life?
  2. Does David’s testimony of God’s faithfulness echo in your life?
  3. Are you struggling to see God’s faithfulness right now in your life?
  4. How does Meg’s testimony encourage you in your walk of faith?

May God’s love and faithfulness surround you this week!

For those who would like to read ahead, next week’s sermon text is Acts chapter 7:1-8:3.

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